
Avidasports™ will work with customers to make the facility preparation and installation process seamless. We can install the system in the morning and have your swimmers live by their afternoon practice.

The installation process includes the following:

  • Install Antenna Station
  • Install Host Computer
  • Confirm Wireless Channel Management in Facility
  • Confirm coaches laptop configuration
  • Fully test active system, team charger and swimmer devices
  • 2-3 days of on-site training

Avidasports™ will work personally with each new facility to ensure that all elements of the product are installed and operating properly. Our goal is to ensure a smooth transition of Avidasports for your entire team, in and out of the water!

A sampling of our antenna installations is below. (Clockwise from left: Harvard, Michigan,
The Bolles School, Rose Bowl Aquatics, University of Southern California, University of
Tennessee – click on the picture for an enlarged view.)