How do I log in to review my data?

  1. Login to your account: www.avidasports.com
    Click the blue login button in the upper right hand corner.
  2. Enter your username and password.
  3. Select AvidaMetrics on the top left of the column.
  4. Select Review.

How do I choose the metrics that I want to hear while I swim?

  1. Login and go to AvidaMetrics.
  2. Select Plan and scroll down to the bottom of the screen.
  3. Select the two audio metrics you wish to hear/change.

NOTE: Your coach’s choice for your audio component will be selected first. If your coach chooses one(1) audio metric, you will hear your 1st choice after. If your coach chooses two(2), you will hear your coach’s choices only.

How do I edit my account?

  1. Log in to your account.
  2. Under Profile, Select edit my profile.
  3. Edit the parts that you want to change and select “save.”

How do I change my swimmer devices?

  1. Log in to your account.
  2. Under devices, enter the new 8-digit serial number located on the back of each device, in the appropriate box. (e.g. 000-1234-1)
  3. Select “Update Devices.”
  4. Devices updated will appear in green text at the top of the page.

How do I contact someone for help?
Either call AvidaSupport at 313.821.4381 or email support@avidasports.com.

One of my devices won’t blink at all. How do I correct this?

  1. Press and hold both buttons of the device for 12 seconds.
  2. Replace the device on the charger (If the LEDs are alternate blinking, you should be all set).
  3. But to be sure, pull off the devices from the charger and make sure that they get a double blink.
  4. Contact AvidaSupport to report the problem with your head device number and they will log this problem.