Athletic Telemetry™

What’s Behind our Breakthrough Technology called Athletic Telemetry™

Avidasports™ makes swimmers faster by developing neural reconditioning which increases performance by linking mindset and technique to results. Worn on the swimmer, our wireless athletic telemetry devices allow swimmers to hear real-time how they are performing each length. Further, the coach can communicate with each swimmer while watching six different performance metrics at one time on a laptop allowing the swimmer and the coach instantaneous feedback at any time during the training session. Swimmers who know exactly how they are swimming as it relates to length time, stroke count, tempo and other metrics make predictability and replication far easier on race day.

Watch the video here.

Coaches have a powerful tool to lead, motivate, and teach!

  • Avidasports™ provides quantum advancement in the training regimen by neural reconditioning; now every length has a specific meaning. Metrics to analyze each length increases the swimmer’s accountability, improving workout effectiveness.
  • Training history and trends are readily available. A single coach has streamed data and historical analysis for up to 100 swimmers immediately available that can be used for continuous improvement, goal tracking and positive reinforcement.
  • Captured data shows swimmers the power and consequences of technique changes. The impact on an athlete’s performance is no longer based on just coach’s “opinion” – the coach has “facts.”
  • Workout routines can be altered and the impact of the change measured allowing the coach a tool to optimize a training plan for each athlete, what gets measured gets improved.

Swimmers don’t just train, they learn!

  • Each practice is now a significant learning opportunity because the athlete is measured during each length. Focusing on metrics during each length reinforces faster learning.
  • Muscle memory creates successful training routines making predictability and replication far easier on race day.
  • Swimmers recondition their brain’s neural networks so new habits match desired goal thoughts.
  • Swimmer can engage in post-practice review of each length in as little as 10 minutes, overall trends of metrics along with replaying coach audio comments bookmarked to the exact moment in the workout.
  • Using data from past practices, swimmers can develop new ideas with their coaches for subsequent practices to experiment with training changes.
  • Athletes can benchmark split times and other data against personal goals and competitors.

Clubs and Schools – Avidasports™ proves a commitment to excellence!

  • Progressive thinking is immediately inferred when implementing Avidasports™, the pioneer in Athletic Telemetry™. Current athletes and new recruits will have a clear vision how the program’s training plan provides a path to excellence using state-of-the-art technology.
  • Coaches and administrators will have objective evidence on improvement to demonstrate the return on investment with the Avidasports™ solution.
  • Avidasports™ promotes effective communication between swimmer and parents.